Welcome to Unicorn Princess's anything goes Fanfic Archive.

Anyone who wants to submit a story contact me at kittenskysong@gmail.com

Updated may 4 2016

Crossover stoires where anything can and will happen

Mutant X Stories
Mutant X lives!!!!

power rangers
Power ranger stories

Original Fiction
Original stories not fanfiction

Highlander Fanfiction
Stories about Immortals

Star wars
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away!!


Mutant adventures

Ranma 1/2
Yin and yang was never so much fun!.

I'll be back

Wings of metal nerves of steal party metal party real

Csi miami
Miami forensics!

Where no man has gone before

Serrated edge

Cars and elves

Defenders of the earth

four become eight.

Wiccan stories

Interviews with Fanfiction and original characters
find about the characters in the stories on this page!

my favorite links

Phil's opinion page
A great editorial site